Our Values




Our gatherings are opportunities to link with more like-minded people and potentiate each other with our personal experiences and grow together, don't miss the opportunity to have a laugh with the neighbours! Remember, everyone you cross paths with can have something really interesting to offer, same as you do. Share your gifts and appreciate the gifts of others. Life is full of awesome people!


Soundation aims to gather individuals who share the objective of coming together for connection rather than disconnection. The focus and intention behind our actions can greatly impact our experiences. Attending a gathering with the intention of disconnecting from our day-to-day lives is a different experience than approaching it with a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to celebrate being alive. It is a chance to willingly share that feeling with other souls through meaningful connections and conversations. The final product can be viewed as either a lack of self-respect or as a nourishing experience that fills our souls, allowing us to share the best of ourselves with others and uplift them in the process.


From the gate in, we are all on the same crew. It's supremely important that we have each other's backs, and foster a healthy rave culture where we all take care of each other We have this principle to ensure the vibes within the full bubble. If you see someone doing something inappropiate, check the reason why they're doing it. If there is no reason, please encourage them to rethink or contact someone that can stop this behaviour. Everyone makes mistakes, but we don't let foolish things continue to happen. If you see someone that needs help, go and ask how you can help; if you can't give a hand, look for someone else who can. Someone with a vest jacket or a radio, or just someone who is trustworthy, responsible, and able to make good judgments. If any of your mates are going full-throttle towards blackout, check in with them to see if they're in control, or if they need to exit the situation before they go too far. Remember that we will have our Safe Space for anyone highly intoxicated, and take note of the exits for when you need some fresh air away from all the high energy.


As the organiser of joining many different souls together, Soundation has a huge obligation to share information in order to ensure dancefloors with respectful behaviours, so that we all understand that it's important to have honest communications, to be able to take rejection in stride, and to be humble when called out for actions that are not okay, yet might not be obvious at the time.It is your responsibility to make sure your actions aren’t negatively affecting other people, even if you’re intoxicated. No means no at all times. Even a previous yes doesn't mean a future one. Consent has to be clearly expressed and updated on every step we climb into getting to know someone more intimate. There are no excuses for creepy behaviours or unwanted contact. Asking is always the way to be sure our actions are well received.


The land, the club, ourselves and others all deserve our unconditional respect. Wherever we are, respect is a must. Be grateful for people's efforts and the opportunities we have. If we are in a venue, respect the workers as they are on their journey, respect the local public and any decorations or equipment. Respect the DJs and their space, don't get in the booth if you are not invited.

Not everyone is in a place for conversations, some people are so hungry for the energy that music gives us, that the only thing they wanna do is to dance. Respect people's bubbles, The dance floor is a sacred place where we have a meaningful connection in a different realm of energy than communication through words; there is no one way to do things but in our parties, we really want to ensure this connection remains strong. Respect ourselves! This relates directly to getting highly intoxicated. We like to be proud of our nights and behaviour and take the most of the experience.

And last and very importantly: Respect the land when we are outdoors. Absolutely no glass, either on the dancefloor or the campground. Bring your own plastic bags for garbage in the campground, as much as there are bins, the wind can take anything and bring it to a place it does not belong. If we are in nature, we have to be grateful enough to completely avoid littering, have no glass in any area, and don't leave cigarette butts anywhere!! Bring something to dispose them properly.


We want to facilitate a place for expression of many different arts. For your own being and any sort of art you want to share. Dress up, dance and get wild if you want, and also respect the choices of others. Respect performers if they are in their show, respect the platforms for them so everyone can enjoy their tricks. If you want to bring your beautiful art please check with us beforehand so we can find the best way to add it into the aesthesic we design for every event.


As in life, embrace the moment; if something needs to be done, don't wait for a magical fix, do it yourself if you can, or reach someone who can, ASAP. Sometimes there is none of the crew around or they are busy with other stuff, a keen hand is always welcome, just be aware to not touch any of the specialist equipment, such as lights, cables and generators.

No Judgments

We are in this world to learn from each other; there is no single correct, exclusive way to do things, and everyone's perspective is as different as the amount of layered, unique, intersectional experiences we face in life. We don't know what people are going through when we encounter them, so always be compassionate. Everyone that crosses your path may have something to show you or you may have something to share. We help each other grow by sharing information, so find gratitude for all of your interactions. If you don't understand someone's behaviour, ask for clarity. Also, be happy to be asked when someone can not get your way, and start the filter share.

Leave no trace

This was mentioned above, but really needs to be emphasized. No glass is allowed on camping areas or dance floor, please bring back with you all you brought in. Don't leave cigarette butts on the floor. Keep it tidy!

We are all on the same crew. It's supremely important that we have each other's backs, and foster a healthy rave culture where we all take care of each other

We are in this world to learn from each other; there is no single correct, exclusive way to do things, and everyone's perspective is as different as the amount of layered, unique, intersectional experiences we face in life. We don't know what people are going through when we encounter them, so always be compassionate. Everyone that crosses your path may have something to show you or you may have something to share. We help each other grow by sharing information, so find gratitude for all of your interactions. If you don't understand someone's behaviour, ask for clarity. Also, be happy to be asked when someone can not get your way, and start the filter share.

Alcohol Free Dancefloor

Our alcohol-free and safe dancefloor policy means a clean dancefloor where people feel comfortable. It means no cans, no glass, no bottles, and no rubbish. It means that everyone understands body language to recognize when someone is up for a conversation or not, in order to respect people's bubbles on the dancefloor. But it also means everyone knows their responsibility in asking about other people's boundaries when looking for intimacy or just a deeper connection. But overall, it means humans sharing an experience in its full without the regular inconveniences that alcohol overdoses take away, like violence, disrespectful behaviors, destruction of things, arguments, and, in general, just difficult behaviors that disrupt the peace of a dancefloor.